Davis AquaStarz is a recreational synchronized Swimming team located in Davis, California. There are no pre-qualifications to join either of our programs. Because our team uses City of Davis pool facilities, our team offers priority registration to Davis residents.
We run two synchronized swim programs based upon swimmers' ages and schedule availability.
Our longest running program is our seasonal VFCAL program that starts the first week of March and ends with both our annual AquaStarz Show, followed by the Valley Foothill Competitive Athletic League (VFCAL) Championships the third or fourth weekend in July. Many of the swimmers will also compete against other VFCAL Sacramento area teams at Dual Meets in June and July. An informational meeting about this program takes place in January and registration opens in January or February (dates TBA).
Alternatively, young swimmers may join the Junior AquaStarz program. The Junior AquaStarz program is designed for swimmers ages 5-10 (although we will accept older swimmers) who want to try the sport of synchronized swimming. The program begins the first week of summer vacation and ends at the final AquaStarz Show in July. Participants will show what they have learned during a routine in the annual AquaStarz Show. Click here for more information on joining Junior AquaStarz.
Visit the link below (when registration is open) to become a member of the AquaStarz.
Visit the link below to learn about Junior AquaStarz and Try Me classes.